Rampart Village Elections
Saturday, May 13, 2023
The Rampart Village Neighborhood Council (RVNC) along with LA’s 98 other Neighborhood Councils, form the grassroots level of the City’s government. While RVNC board members serve their community without pay, they are public officials elected by the stakeholders of their community.
The VNC Board of Officers is composed of 11 elected Rampart Village stakeholders, all of which are up for election every two years. The election is conducted by the Los Angeles City Clerk’s Office. You may vote In-Person or Vote-by-Mail.
Candidates Wanted!
This is your chance to help shape decisions on land use, housing, public safety, transportation, social services, arts, and everything else that affects Rampart Village.
Board terms are two years, during which time you’ll represent the Stakeholders of Rampart Village and advise the City Council, Mayor’s Office, and all other City agencies on matters affecting our community. The following 11 seats are up for election:
- At Large Representative (5 seats) Stakeholders who live, work or own property in the neighborhood and are 18 years or older.
- Business Representative (1 seat) Stakeholders who own or who work at a legally recognized business within the NC boundaries who are 18 years or older.
- Resident Tenant Representative (1 seat) Stakeholders who live in rental units and who are 18 years or older.
- Homeowner Representative (1 seat) Stakeholder that owns a home within the NC boundaries and is 18 years or older.
- Community Based Organization Representative (1 seat) Stakeholders who are 18 years or older and live, work, own real property, or declare a stake in the neighborhood as a community interest stakeholder, defined as a person who participates in a non-profit organization that has continuously maintained a physical street address within the boundaries of the neighborhood council for not less than one year, and that performs ongoing and verifiable activities and operations that benefit the neighborhood.
- Student Representative (1 Seat) Stakeholder between 14-17 years of age at the time of the election who is enrolled in school.
All candidates will be required to verify their stakeholder status by providing documentation acceptable to the City of Los Angeles City Clerk—Election Division.
Eligible Candidates will be certified regardless of immigration status or previous convictions.
Just follow these steps:
- Go to How to be How To Become A Candidate
- Watch the 5-minute video: Candidate Application (Portal) Instructional Video.
- Review the Documentation Guide
- Decide whether to apply through the Online Portal or apply by submitting a Paper Ballot by mail, email or fax. (skip to #8)
- If applying ONLINE, you will be asked to create an ANGELENO account. (If you already created your account, skip this step.) Click the “Sign Up” link and follow the instructions to create your account. (Detailed steps to Create an Account can be found below on this page.)
- Log-In to your ANGELENO account and choose CANDIDATE and follow the prompts. Select Your Neighborhood Council: DOWNTOWN LOS ANGELES (DLANC)
- You will be asked to provide the following information: Seat Name; Candidate Type (Live, Work, Own Property, or Community Interest); Name as to Appear on Ballot, Name, Date of Birth; phone number; email address (use a personal email); Qualifying Address and Mailing Address. You will then need to upload documentation proving stakeholder status (see Documentation Guide). You may also upload a Candidate Statement and Photo.
- If submitting a paper application, your signature is required. You may submit your application and documentation by mail, email, or fax.
- You will receive an email when the City Clerk RECEIVES and/or APPROVES your application.
(IMPORTANT: Candidate applications must be RECEIVED by the City Clerk before 11:59pm on 2/27/2023.)
If you experience any problems, please contact the LA City Clerk Elections: (213) 978-0444 or toll free at (888) 873-1000, Monday – Friday from 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., excluding holidays.
How to Create an ANGELENO Account: Voters who wish to complete a Vote-by-Mail (VBM) Application online must first create an Angelino Account at https://angeleno.lacity.org/ (you will receive an email confirmation.) After creating an account, voters can access the NC Portal to apply for a NC Ballot. To access the NC Portal complete the following steps: (1) Click on the ‘Register Today’ button and enter the following information: a. Email Address b. Password c. First and Last Name (2) An email will be sent to the voter confirming creation of the account. Voters must verify email address and activate account, by clicking “Activate Account” in email. (3) Click ‘Services’ to get access to the NC Portal.
When creating a new user profile, it is strongly suggested that voters write down their login information. City Clerk staff will be available throughout the candidate filing period, during regular City business hours, to assist voters with their filing. Stakeholders will be able to track the status of their application and ballot in the NC VBM Application Portal.
Additional Information:
Stakeholder Region: Boundary Map. Alternatively, you may enter your Stakeholder address into this GIS mapping tool to find out if you are within the VNC boundary.
In-Person Voting Location: TBD
Note: Proof of vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test will no longer be required.
LA City Clerk NC Elections: Get Involved
LA City Elections Handbook: Election Handbook
LA Neighborhood Council Candidates: NC Candidates